This is a common BF Policy for FFLoP and Gladiators. You can contact BF Mods if you are uncertain on some aspects.
LoP, FF, Glads - Shared BF Policy:
~ Battlefield Policy ~
General Guidelines :
Sending PMs
Note that sending a message is sign of decency, and everyone, in every case, is requested to send a decent polite message to the offender. Many conflicts get solved because of good communication skills.
Especially a PM is MUST before sabbing someone.
1. Low Hits:
We consider a low hit as any hit which steals less than 15 minutes of turn based gold. The exceptions to this rule are our Main account (currently: Squishy-LoP) and trickle account (currently TBD), where a low hit will be considered as any hit which steals under 20 minutes of turn based gold.
An occasional 14 (respectively 19) minute hit will be forgiven unless it becomes a regular occurence.
Low hits will be punished with 3 turns of sabs, either by the member who is low hit, or another member on their behalf. In both the cases, the offender will be informed.
People with negligible DA can not enforce this policy.
Missed Hits:
Missed hits, as long as they are within a reasonable margin (15-20 seconds), will not be considered as low hits. KoC time stamps can be checked. Messaging after a missed hit is not manadatory, but is appreciated.
2: Damaging Hits:
Defended Hits:
Defended hits can be sabbed for 3 turns at the defender's discretion. A humble apology usually should prevent any action on the non-recurring occurence of such hits.
If the attacker can show that their SA was sufficiently larger than the defender's DA at the time of the attack, we will recognise that KoC randomness is to be blamed and no action will be taken!
Repeated defended hits or those thought to have been made with the sole purpose to cause damage will be reviewed on a case by case basis and could lead up to Approval depending on the severity and situation.
Raids are not acceptable under any circumstance. "Raid-checking" for gold is not acceptable. Raids will be punished by upto 6 turns of sabs. Multiple raids are treated as hostile actions, and hence, will face approval.
We recognise that sometimes new players use raids. BF Mod should analyse the situation, source of conflict, and reach a fair conclusion. Members and BF Mods are encouraged to be forgiving towards new players who might not be aware about the unacceptability of the raids.
3. Unprovoked Sabotage:
An unprovoked sabotage against our members is grounds for 24-hour approval. Any retaliation during this period will warrant an extension of that approval for an appropriate period deemed proper.
Chaining (sabotaging 2 or more members), be it independent or as a result of facing an approval, is grounds for age-long approval.
4. Recruiting:
Unless deliberately aimed at LoP-FF-Glads, or a subchain, with the intention to weaken our chain, recruit PMs are not grounds for approval. We would like to discourage you from sabbing for them personally as well. Part of being a good commander is creating a relationship of trust and loyalty with your officers, which stops them from getting recruited away. Sabbing for recruit PMs, is admitting, that you have failed as a commander, and taking that out on someone else.
5. Events not covered by our bf policy:
In the event of unacceptable behaviour that is not covered by the criteria mentioned above, cases will be dealt with by (one of the) leaders, and action will be taken depending on the nature and magnitude of the offense.
6. Alliances with a stricter bf policy :
If your alliance has a stricter policy than this, we might very strictly apply that on you. Case-by-case basis.
Battlefield moderation is not a straightforward task. Every case is not black-and-white. We reserve the right to deal with each case on its on circumstantial merits in addition to the conditions mentioned above.
- Approval implies we ask as many of our members as possible to sabotage and possible attack and raid you. This for a time span of 24 hours or longer.
- We do not expect players to log in every day. We consider messages in the likes of "Reply within 24 hours or be approved" as a sign of disrespect, short-sightedness and incompetent bf-moderation. We will respond accordingly.
- When ruling over bf scenarios case by case individually, we will take into account the experience, known knowledge and past interactions with a player.
- We feel that some battlefield behavoir has a negative impact on the community, new and small players of this game. Besides former farming policies, we think low hit policies have no further place in this game. They are a limitation to the majority of the players, while serving those incapable of building an account that can protect it's gold with the appropriate stats.
- It is time alliances acknowledge they not only have a responsibility to their own members, but also to every other player in the game. If we want to turn around the descending player base of this game and rebuild a healthy and mature gaming community it will take all of us together.
- We maintain the right to refuse cooperation with particularly unreasonable moderators from other alliances. In this case we would ask the other alliance to respect our decision and present an alternative moderator such that a result in the benefit of all parties can be exacted.**
Aim of the policy :
- Training our members to be more diplomatic, and building a healthy and mature gaming community.
- Our main aim, has always been to promote good spirit of the game and make it fair for everyone.
- While the policy expects to protect our members, it is encouraged that members be forigving whenever possible.
Links to Policies of Other Alliances [Era 7]
Active Battlefield Mods
Forum Name KoC Name Stats Link
Total policy views: 350,564
Updated on: 12 Feb 2021 13:43:34
~ LoP Administration ~
** : Usually names of the moderators under this criterion will be made known to the particular alliance as the cases come along.